Poetshala is a rapidly growing online book publishers in India. Poetshala work on Print on demand basis We share 100% profit with you on each sale. The categories of books we accept are art, fiction, Science, non-fiction, technology, poetry, health, academic, and regional.With are the renowned best book publisher in India, So we take care of stock maintenance and availability of the book.

We help you keep your books available on leading online platforms like Flipkart, Amazon, Kobo,Kindle, Goodreads, Google Books, Google, (more than 35 platforms ) etc. Through self-publishing with Poetshala, you can also distribute your books internationally and can engage with the audience directly.

Books printed through our print on-demand book publisher in India never go out-of-style. self publishing in India is a new model for Online book publishing .Choosing the right company is essential that could assist you in publishing your book

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